Event Themes

future of gloster.mp4

Social Determinants of Health

(Adapted from Healthy People 2030)

The conditions in the environments where people are born, live, learn, work, play, worship, and age affect a wide range of health, functioning, and quality-of-life outcomes and risks. These also contribute to wide health disparities and inequities. Public health organizations and their partners in education, transportation, and housing must take action to improve the conditions in people's environments.  

Examples Include:

social determinants of health infographic

The Biomass Industry

(Adapted from Dogwood Alliance Biomass 101)

Wood pellets are seen by some as a solution to the climate change crisis, but they fall short in several ways:

map of wood pellet biomass facilities

Photo credit: Dogwood Alliance

clearcutting forest example

Political Progress and Democracy for All

(Adapted from Southern Echo and League of Conservation Voters)

We need responsible, accountable governance that is responsive to the needs of the communities and constituency it serves. 

A just and equitable democracy is one that works for everyone, which is necessary to achieve progress in both the cimate crisis and environmental injustices. Communities that are most affected by climate change, pollution, and environmental injustice are those that have also been historically denied access to the ballots. In 2021, 19 states passed 34 laws restricting voting access and more than 449 bills were introduced in 49 states. Most of these restrictions targeted Black voters and other voters of color, who voted in record numbers in 2020. 

Southern Echo connects rural black communities of Mississippi to the civic process by increasing voter registration and access to polls and engages in community organizing to empower people towards collective action.
